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What If The Child Is Not Returned From Visitation At The Agreed Upon Time? Should I Call The Police?

What if the child is not returned from visitation at the agreed upon time? Should I call the police?

Calling the police should be done only as a last resort if you feel that your child is at risk for abuse or neglect, or if you have been advised by your attorney that such a call is warranted. The involvement of law enforcement officials in parental conflict can result in far greater trauma to a child than a late return at the end of a visitation.

The appropriate response to a child not being returned according to a court order depends upon the circumstances. If the problem is a recurring one, talk to your attorney regarding your options. It may be that a change in the schedule would be in the best interests of your child.

Regardless of the behavior of the other parent, make every effort to keep your child out of any conflicts between the adults.

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