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The Divorce Rate Is Declining

Contrary to a widely held belief among many Louisiana residents, the divorce rate across the United State has been declining for several years. Rates increased in the 1970s and 1980s, and a variety of factors might have been responsible for that rise. Since then, those and other issues have contributed to marriages lasting longer.

The median age at which couples get married has increased significantly since 1950. According to statistics from 2004, the median age a woman got married was 26, which was a substantial increase from 1950 when the median age was 20. The age of marriage for men rose from 23 to 27 between 1950 and 2004. In addition to couples being more mature when they get married, the fact that more women have entered the workforce and have gained control over their decision of when or if to have children may have impacted the overall divorce rate.

Modern marriages often benefit from two incomes and the division of household duties. Women’s reproductive rights may make it more likely for women to get married because they love and share passions with their husbands. Still, some couples choose to end their marriages for various reasons.

When a person chooses to get divorced, it is important to get reliable legal advice. Divorce law is complicated and once the decree is signed, the ruling is not likely to be changed. A family law attorney who has experience in divorce law may provide advice and guidance to a client who is interested in negotiating a comprehensive settlement agreement that could include such matters as community property division, child and spousal support and other important issues.

Source: The Huffington Post, “The Truth About The Divorce Rate Is Surprisingly Optimistic“, Brittany Wong, December 09, 2014

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