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Getting an Annulment in Louisiana

An annulment is different than a divorce in that it declares that the marriage should have never been valid. An annulment, also called a null marriage, can be granted in the state of Louisiana as long as certain circumstances are met.

There are two forms of annulment in Louisiana. The first is an absolute null marriage that makes the marriage completely invalid from the moment it began. The second is a relatively null marriage that makes the marriage invalid beginning at the time the judge declares it null.

What Qualifies For An Annulment?

Photo by stevepb.

Not everyone can get their marriage annulled. It is not a way to cheat the divorce process. You must meet specific requirements in order to have your marriage deemed null. Below are the following circumstances that allow you to file for an annulment:

  • If one spouse was intoxicated during the time of the marriage ceremony
  • If one spouse was not present during the marriage ceremony
  • If one spouse was already married at the time of the marriage ceremony
  • If the marriage ceremony was not legitimate
  • If one spouse was underage at the time of the marriage ceremony
  • If the spouses are related
  • If one spouse was coerced into the marriage
  • If one spouse was mentally unable to make their own decisions during the marriage ceremony

How Do I Get An Annulment?

In order to annul your marriage, you will need to contact the clerk’s office at the district court of the parish you live in and ask for a Petition to Annul Marriage. This petition will include information like the city and state in which you were married and the reason for which you believe your marriage should be null. After you have filled out the petition you will file it with the district court and your spouse will be served with the subsequent paperwork. Then you will have a hearing with the judge and at that point, the judge will determine if your marriage should be annulled. If the judge decides it should be, he or she will sign paperwork deeming your marriage null.

The requirements may vary depending on the parish you are a resident in, so contact your district court with any questions concerning the specific requirements for an annulment.

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