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Lifestyle Clauses In A Prenuptial Agreement

Getting married is a big step. For some people, that big step has to come with certain conditions. These conditions are sometimes laid out in a prenuptial agreement. While the prenuptial agreement is most often associated with someone who is wealthy, it can also be useful for anyone who wants to try to protect the sanctity of marriage.

A growing number of prenuptial agreements are including lifestyle clauses. These clauses spell out what lifestyle choices are suitable for both parties during the marriage. These clauses set guidelines for non-financial matters in the marriage.

So-called infidelity clauses are one of the most popular lifestyle clauses for prenuptial agreements. These clauses are being used by couples who want to discourage each other from cheating during the marriage. It is important to consider what will constitute cheating if this clause will be part of your prenuptial agreement. It must also be decided what the penalty for cheating will be. However, it’s important to remember that not all courts will find such clauses legally binding.

Catherine Zeta-Jones reportedly had an infidelity clause in the prenuptial agreement with Michael Douglas. She would supposedly be entitled to millions of dollars if he cheated on her. Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reportedly have one that says she would get at least $500,000 if he strays.

It is important that you come up with a prenuptial agreement that protects your interests. Because of this, what works for one couple might not work for another. A Louisiana family law professional can provide you with information on prenuptial agreements, lifestyle clauses and how to protect your assets when entering into a marriage.

Source: Forbes.com, “Can A Prenup Or A Postnup With An Infidelity Clause Deter A Husband From Cheating?” Jeff Landers, Mar. 13, 2014

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