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Louisiana Congressman And Staffer Kiss, Woman Faces Divorce

For politicians, keeping up a proper appearance can mean the difference between remaining in office and being removed from office. Some of the actions that will affect a Louisiana politician’s political status might also affect their marital status, as well as the status of others around them. The recent surveillance video of one Louisiana Congressman and his staffer kissing seems to have broken up one of their marriages.

The husband of the staffer has said that their marriage is ending. He says the Congressman destroyed their marriage. He says that he didn’t know about the passionate December kiss until a few hours before it was on the news. He says his wife told him about it then.

The couple has a 6-year-old son and have been married for six years, but the husband says they are now heading toward a divorce. He says that his life is turned upside down. He acknowledges that “it was just a kiss,” but goes on to say that it was also an embarrassment. He also says that the Congressman apologized to everyone except him.

The Congressman did ask for forgiveness from his staff, his constituents, his wife, his kids and God. He has also asked that the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigate who took the video of him and his scheduler.

The woman’s husband says he feels like he is in a nightmare and that he will wake up any minute. Anyone who has had to deal with something similar likely feels the same way.

If your spouse has been unfaithful, you might be facing a divorce. Making sure that your interests are protected during the divorce process is likely your first concern. Knowing the laws in Louisiana and what options you have during the divorce proceedings can help you make informed decisions during the process.

Source: CNN Politics, “First on CNN: Husband on kissing congressman: ‘He has wrecked my life’” Chris Frates and Curt Devine, Apr. 08, 2014

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