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How To Stay Sane During Your Divorce

A divorce may be the most stressful thing many people go through in their lifetime. Divorces are hard but they don’t have to be the reason you lose your sanity. Taking care of your mental health should be your number one priority during your divorce. This article provides helpful tips on how to care for yourself during a difficult divorce.

Tips To Keep Your Sanity During Your Divorce

It’s okay to grieve

A divorce is a loss and you should treat it as such. Give yourself permission to grieve in whatever way works for you. It’s okay to cry or to find distractions, just remember that the final stage of grief is acceptance.


Don’t be in denial for too long

Although denial is a stage of grief, it only makes things worse when dealing with a divorce. Be proactive in moving forward with your life. Stay in the present or focus on the future.

Set realistic expectations

It’s unrealistic to think that you will get over the emotional pain in a few days, weeks or even months. It’s also unrealistic to think you will get everything you want in your divorce. Setting your expectations appropriately will make sure you are not disappointed in the end.


If you didn’t already have a regular exercise routine, start one! If you did, keep up with it. Exercising releases endorphins and can improve your mood greatly. Plus, it’s always good to have a routine and to keep yourself busy.

Talk to friends and family

No one should go through a divorce alone. Getting professional help is always a great idea and offers you an outlet to let out your feelings. Or just talk to your close friends or family. You need people around you to talk to, to vent to and even to make you happy and to laugh with.

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