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What is meant by equity in my home? Equity is the difference between the value of the home and the amount owed in mortgages against the property. For example, if the first mortgage is $50,000 and the second mortgage from a home equity loan is $10,000, the total debt owed against the

What is a covenant marriage? A covenant marriage is one that requires a couple to receive marital counseling before filing for divorce.  Similarly, the couple must also receive counseling prior to the marriage.  These requirements are based on the belief that attempts to resolve marital conflicts will mean a couple will

Can I get a legal separation? Unless you contracted a covenant marraige, the state of Louisiana does not recognize "legal separation."  The legislature repealed the laws dealing with legal separation.  Couples who have a covenant marriage can obtain a judicial separation; this means they have a legal contract drafted, saying that

On what basis will the judge award custody? The judge considers many factors in determining child custody. Most important is "the best interests of the child." To determine best interests, the judge may look at the following factors: Home Environments. This refers to the respective environments offered by you and your spouse. The

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