>  Divorce   >  I am still so angry at my spouse; how can I be expected to sit in the same room during a settlement conference?

I am still so angry at my spouse; how can I be expected to sit in the same room during a settlement conference?

I am still so angry at my spouse; how can I be expected to sit in the same room during a settlement conference?

If you are still really angry at your spouse, it may be beneficial to postpone the conference for a time. You might also consider seeking some counseling to support you with coping with your feelings of anger.
Another option might be “shuttle” negotiations. With this method, you and your attorney remain in one room while your spouse and his or her attorney are in another. Settlement offers are then relayed between the attorneys throughout the negotiation process. By shifting your focus from your angry feelings to your goal of a settlement, it may be easier to proceed through the process

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