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2018 Resolutions for Divorce

January has one of the highest rates of divorce papers filed. There are several reasons for this. Many times an individual does not want to interrupt the holiday season or make family gatherings unpleasant. The new year is also a time for reflection, and it is not uncommon for victims escaping an abusive or volatile relationship to decide they are finally going to get a divorce during the upcoming year. If you are filing for divorce in 2018, it is important that you create some divorce resolutions for yourself. This will help the proceedings go as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Educate Yourself

Before filing for divorce, it is important that you educate yourself on the divorce process. This will help you emotionally and physically prepare for what lies ahead. Familiarize yourself with the laws in your state, as they can differ depending on where you are located. Different states have different rules regarding child custody and division of assets. Decide whether you still want to proceed with the divorce after understanding how the outcome will affect you in the long run.

Photo by Kat Smith.

Practice Self-Care

A divorce may be one of the most difficult life events you ever have to experience. Try out art classes, start going on runs, or sign up for a yoga membership. Being in good health, both emotionally and physically, is especially important during hard times. Making sure that you are in the hands of a knowledgeable attorney can also help you feel at peace.

Look at Alternatives

Unless the situation was abusive, it may be healing to explore alternatives to divorce. Consult with your attorney about options like a postnuptial agreement, legal separation, or even therapy with a licensed marriage counselor. Divorce is a difficult, life-changing process so it is important that the decision is made in a rational and logical fashion.

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