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Can I get a divorce even when I don’t know where my spouse is currently living?

Louisiana law allows you to proceed with a divorce even if you do not know the current address of your spouse. First, attempt to locate your spouse. Contact family members, friends, former coworkers, or anyone else who might know your spouse’s whereabouts. Utilize resources on the Internet that are designed to help locate people. Check Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

Let your attorney know of the efforts you have made to attempt to find your spouse. Inform your lawyer of your spouse’s last known address, as well as any work address or other address where this person may be found. If the sheriff is unable to serve your spouse at the addresses provided, your attorney can request that a curator be appointed to represent your absent spouse. A curator is an attorney appointed to represent your absent spouse. The curator will give notice through publication in a newspaper and will send a certified mail letter to your spouse at their last known address. The curator notifies the court of his/her attempts to find your spouse.

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