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Being A Foster Parent In Louisana

Aspiring parents might be interested in learning more about fostering, as described by the Department of Children & Family Services. Adults who successfully complete the foster parent process are considered liable for caring for the child, fulfilling daily needs, and providing nurturing, supervision, discipline and guidance for the child. Generally speaking, foster parents are also required to provide a family-like environment for the adopted children.

Foster parents maintain relationships and open communication with other adults in the child’s life including babysitters, physicians, educational staff and other parents in the community. Aspiring foster parents should be aware of the unique challenges that a foster child may bring into the household. Often times, the child has experienced tumultuous life experiences and may be of a different race or nationality than the foster parents.

Foster parents do not have the same rights and responsibilities of biological parents. In many cases, the foster child only stays with foster parents for a brief period before moving on to the next destination. Foster parents are expected to cooperate with the agency responsible for the child’s care, as well as the birth parents. In addition, they are required to disclose personal information to social workers, and open their home up to these workers as well. Foster parents are also required to report any changes in circumstances affecting the child.

People who are interested in learning more about fostering or the adoption process might benefit from contacting a lawyer. Legal counsel may be able to explain the process thoroughly and provide aspiring applicants with more accurate expectations. Lawyers may also be instrumental in helping applicants gather the appropriate document for completing the process and becoming a foster parent.

Source: Department of Children & Family, “Adoption“, December 22, 2014

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